Training, das

This requires a special long-vowel pronunciation in German, and must be pronounced either "treening" or "träning". If you are a native English-speaker, check that you have this right by saying Träääääääääning: you must not pronounce it with the English-style dipthong, or you will seem a very ignorant person. English speakers should never imagine they are any better than the Germans at pronouncing Anglicisms: in fact they are almost always far worse at it than the most ill-educated German.
So what does das Training embrace? Essentially: the word belongs in a vague zone of meaning outside Bildung, Ausbildung or Weiterbildung. The word offers a huge array of false-friend traps, and is best circumvented when doing translations.
The person who administers the training is mostly der Betreuer, never der Ausbilder, and here's where it gets complicated: most forms of das Training are not administered by der Trainer or die Trainerin, because these titles are reserved for sports coaches! Nor is the person who receives das Training to be called der Trainee, because that term is often reserved for a young university graduate being groomed in a prestigious management formation programe at a company (though I suspect some companies do use the term as high-falutin term for der Praktikant).
Often das Training is a weasel word for projects to overcome human stupidity. A talking head was pontificating on Deutschlandfunk the other night about geistiges Träääääning for people approaching old age, meaning prising the pensioners away from their tellies and making them use their intellects. A couple of days ago, two men were sentenced to soziales Training, which is a euphemism for a form of therapy to teach you stop hitting people, cease binge drinking, eat right and regularly get out of bed before 9 am.
Das Training is too narrow to include military training (Soldatenausbildung). It would also not normally be a suitable word for on-the-job training (das Anlernen, concentrating on getting the job done and ignoring all theory), although the Duden Fremdwörterbuch proposes das Training on the Job. I don't believe the latter term is in general use: in fact, its inclusion is a good example of the hit-and-miss quality of the Duden.
Das Training is capitalized, given neuter gender and inflected with -s- in the genitive.

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